Whenever you read about the Hallaton Treasure, the name Vicki Score is mentioned. But who is she?
Vicki is Deputy Director of University of Leicester Archaeological Service (ULAS). She has considerable expertise in directing and managing major archaeological projects. Vicki is experienced in all aspects of site fieldwork and archaeological research, managing multi-disciplinary research teams, compiling Heritage Asset Assessments and Environmental Statements as well as Visual Impact Assessments for wind turbines and solar farms. Vicki has worked in East Midlands archaeology since 1991 and joined ULAS in 1999.
Vicki has been involved in a variety of archaeological projects including our own Hallaton Treasure Project which she directed (and published in 2011). The project has been hailed as the model for the excavation of treasure sites and involving the community. She has presented over 100 talks on the project and has been featured in a number of radio and TV programmes.
There’s an excellent outline about the Hallaton Treasure on the ULAS site: https://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/archaeology/research/previous-research-projects/hallaton
